Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis

About the Department:

The subjects of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis play a vital role in the understanding of entities of drug molecules. Our department has state of the art instruments catering to the needs of Drug Testing. Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis and Biochemistry subjects are included in the curriculum which focuses on the Clinical needs and helps understanding the dynamics of Drug Action.

Areas of Research:

-> QSAR Studies on selected drug targets
-> Method Development and Validation of evaluations for Selected Drug Combinations
-> In-Silico screening studies for selected drug targets

The Team/Faculty:

S.No Name of the Faculty Qualification Designation
1. Dr. Neerati Venu Madhav M.Pharm.,Ph.D Associate Professor &Head of the Department
2. Dr. Bairi Padma M.Sc.,Ph.D Professor
3. Mrs.Komuraju Rajamani M.Pharm Associate Professor
4. Mrs.Matla Haritha M.Pharm Assistant Professor
5. Mr.A. Vinay M.Pharm Assistant Professor
6. Ms.Tumma Hema Devi M.Pharm (Ph.D) Assistant Professor
7. Mrs.Kota Swathi M.Pharm Assistant Professor
8. Mrs.Azmeera Mounika M.Pharm Assistant Professor
9. Ms.Vallala Srujana M.Pharm Assistant Professor
10. Ms.Apoorva Damera M.Pharm Assistant Professor
11. Ms.P.Mounika M.Pharm Assistant Professor